Why should gambling stay legal

Stay On The Right Side Of The Law When Gambling Whether you’re gambling in a casino or online, playing games of chance is exciting and interesting – especially when the chance mixes with skill and competition with other players.

Why is gambling illegal? | Yahoo Answers Jun 27, 2011 · The world would be a little richer. That's why gambling is shunned by most decent people. Now, on to the question of "legal" gambling. The States, in their greed for tax revenue, have decided to permit SOME gambling, as long as they control it, and they can tax it. The Reasons Why Sports Betting Should Be Legalized Here’s the thing: It should have been legal a long time ago. With all forms of online gambling continuing to explode in popularity, it makes no sense that sports betting in particular is singled out as if it is an especially immoral activity. Here are 7 reasons why it’s silly that sports betting isn’t legal. 1. … David Blankenhorn: Plenty of reasons why not to legalize Nov 28, 2014 · Like all forms of gambling, sports betting is the sterile transfer of money from some people’s pockets into other people’s pockets, producing nothing new and nothing of lasting value.

Gambling can bring out the bad in people so i dont think it should be legal. I do not think sports gambling should be legalized. People do it in all states with friends and family, but when it is legalized is when problems occur. There will be much more of it on a much larger scale.

Agree or disagree: gambling should be banned | Lang-8: For ... For instance, gamblers might stay up late at night to gamble for long hours so they could easily catch a cold or become ill. In conclusion, gambling should be banned because there would be more criminal activities if people allowed it, it would negatively affect family relations, and it could damage people’s health. Should Sports Betting Be Legal Everywhere? - The New York ... I think sports betting should be legal everywhere because people are going to do whether or not its legal it may not be in stadiums where they are betting but they will still bet. I mean if the lottery is legal why cant sports betting be legal to so that why the government can get a little percentage off of all the bets that win. Debate: The Legal Drinking and Gambling Age Should be ... I have always wondered why the legal drinking and gambling age in this country is 21 years old. According to the government we are adults at the age of 18. At 18 years old you are able to get married, have sex, raise a family, vote for President and even be drafted into the military. Sports gambling in U.S.: Too prevalent to remain illegal ...

Should the Gambling age be lowered, higherd or stay the same ...

Responsible Gambling; What You Need to Know

Sep 10, 2010 · Taxes for the establishments will add up to the national budget and it will help in the country’s development. Although a lot of people want gambling to be banned because according to them, the politicians will just make it as an excuse to get more money from taxes, other people want it to be legal because for them,...

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Why Gambling Should Be Illegal Creating gambling unlawful can remedy most of the issues related with it. The exact same, on making use of to gambling, can avert or at minimum reduce the negative results it has. If habit to gambling is entitled to punishment, gambling techniques will turn into less widespread or even end. Should Gambling Be Legalized? - 123helpme.com Should Gambling Be Legalized Essay - Should Gambling Be Legalized. Gambling is the risking of money or other possessions that’s mostly depends on chance and luck, even tough some forms of gambling may be influenced by skills. Why Sports Gambling Should Be Banned - dealerrefresh.com

Conclusion for why gambling should be legal? | Yahoo Answers It should stay legal because it is also used in government funds, projects, foundations; they don't really care about small scale people, so basically it's business. So being the user or player, it's really your call to play or not, no one's stopping you to play, as long as it is responsible (which may be hard for others). Should gambling be legalized? - careerride.com Even though gambling may get a lot of money, if a person looses, social impact is heavy. Citizens should be encouraged for better things rather than legalizing gambling. Gambling undoubtedly may generate a lot of revenue; legalizing gambling will make people loose their savings in the thirst of earning money the easy way.